Manufacturers across practically all industries understand the importance of flow meters in everyday industrial processes. They are used to maintain efficiency and to help better understand profit gains and losses. The automotive, petroleum, HVAC, food and beverage, utility services, chemical, and many other industries all utilize flow meters extensively to monitor their operations.

Depending on the type of application, the flow meter is made as a hot-wire air flow meter or a pocket weather flow meter, both of which can measure air velocity and air pressure. The results of measuring the air velocity can Flow meter Overview be stored in memory, depending on the model.
MID flow transmitter
Paddle-wheel flow sensor
Flow sensor
Differential pressure transmitters
UlraSonic Flow Meter
Magnetic Flow Meter
Variable Flow Meter
Thermal Flow Meter
Paddel Wheel Flow Meter
Turbine Flow Meter
Vortex Flow Meter
Portable Ultrasonic Flowmeter
Gas Mass Flow Meter
Portable Ultrasonic Flowmeter
Flow measuring devices for vapors, gases, and liquids