A pH measurement loop is made up of three components, the pH sensor, which includes a measuring electrode, a reference electrode, and a temperature sensor; a preamplifier; and an analyser or transmitter. A pH measurement loop is essentially a battery where the positive terminal is the measuring electrode and the negative terminal is the reference electrode.

pH Sensor
- Especially robust industry electrodes for the most demanding applications
- For processes with increased pollutant and toxic loads as well as media containing oil
- For high process pressures up to 13 bar
- Wide temperature operating range up to 135 °C
- Extensive PTFE ring diaphragm or pinhole diaphragm
Chemical industry:Process water, high process pressures up to 13 bar, broad temperature range up to 135 °C, and wide pH range from pH 0 to pH 14
Industrial wastewater engineering:Process wastewater, wastewater with highly contaminated media (oily contents, electrode poisons)